Saturday, May 21, 2016

Some Data Of Interest About Thailand.

I thought that some data about Thailand might be of interest:

Area: 514.000 km2.
Frontiers: 4.863 km, of which 1.800 km with Burma, 803 with Cambodia, 1.754 with Laos and 506 km with Malaysia.
Coastline: 3.219 km.
Population: 64.6 m.
Capital: Bangkok.
Time zone: UT +7.
Language: Thai, but English spoken in cities and tourist areas.
Ethnic divisions: Thai 75%, Chinese 14% and others 11%.
Religion: Buddhism 95% and Muslim 3.8%.
Government: Constitutional monarchy. Chief of state King Bhumbibol Adunlayadet (since 1946). Democratically elected representatives.
Crime: Crime against visitor is generally low although actual murder assaults figures for the Thais are high. Thailand's homicide rate is 9.7/10.000 compared to 8.6/10.000 for the USA, usually considered one of the highest. However, Thais kill each other but rarely kill visitors.

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