Saturday, May 21, 2016

Some Data Of Interest About Thailand.

I thought that some data about Thailand might be of interest:

Area: 514.000 km2.
Frontiers: 4.863 km, of which 1.800 km with Burma, 803 with Cambodia, 1.754 with Laos and 506 km with Malaysia.
Coastline: 3.219 km.
Population: 64.6 m.
Capital: Bangkok.
Time zone: UT +7.
Language: Thai, but English spoken in cities and tourist areas.
Ethnic divisions: Thai 75%, Chinese 14% and others 11%.
Religion: Buddhism 95% and Muslim 3.8%.
Government: Constitutional monarchy. Chief of state King Bhumbibol Adunlayadet (since 1946). Democratically elected representatives.
Crime: Crime against visitor is generally low although actual murder assaults figures for the Thais are high. Thailand's homicide rate is 9.7/10.000 compared to 8.6/10.000 for the USA, usually considered one of the highest. However, Thais kill each other but rarely kill visitors.

Friday, May 20, 2016

A Tour Of Lipe Town.

Lipe town and island seems to be a partying and eating place with restaurants and bars everywhere. Looks a bit like a backpacker place to me.

 The beach Reggae Bar.
 Bob Marley was here?

 The taxis in Lipe town.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Welcome To Thailand.

We arrived well in Thailand today.

Our first anchorage at Lipe Island.

Farewell Malaysia, For The Moment; Will Be Back.

We left Langkawi, Malaysia this morning and headed north. Thus we could take off the Malaysian flag.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Back In Our Preferred Anchorage In Langkawi.

After spending eight days in the RLYC, we finally got the pumps repaired and this morning we cleared out of Malaysia, paid the bills and set out for our preferred anchorage on a small island. It is absolutely great here. The photos of this evenings sunset is shown below.

The monkeys walk across the pit shown in the photo from the left to the right and settle for the night on the small island to the right of the photo.

Monday, May 16, 2016

The Queen Of Malaysia Going Fishing In Langkawi.

Today we had an important visitor at the Marina as the Queen of Malaysia came with her daughter to go fishing. Plenty of police and bodyguards, as well as servants around.