Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Port Vila, Vanuatu.

 We are now in Port Vila, Vanuatu and dropped anchor at the Q area to await being cleared in.
Next to us was this tour helicopter that smartly had constructed a floating platform right at the town front.

 Greenpeace arrived with their Rainbow Worrier ship. It is a large ship and does navigate with sails.
 The three officials arrived so we could get cleared. All very nice people and it went well.
 As usual in these countries the market are great, but the prices were high.

 After a long walk in town we celebrated with a Pina Colata at the Waterfront Bar and Restaurant.

Vanuatu is located inside the Cyclone belt and get hit by a Cyclone each year. The latest one was Pam in March (see my March Blog from NZ) and it was a particular strong Cyslone, which het Port Vila and several of the further south islands. Of the 30 boats in the port, only six were still floating after the storm. Many roofs and buildings were damages. It will take time for them to be repaired, and then likely another Cyclone might hit.

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